physiotherapy Daniel Tews
Additional Services
Classical massage therapy
The classical massage therapy is a mechanotherapy in which the balance in the human body is restored through hand movements on the skin. Classical massage therapy uses strokes, flexing, kneading, friction, rubbing, tapping and shaking..
The intended effects of a classical massage therapy:
physical relaxation, release of muscular tension
Relief of physical complaints such as tension headaches
Physical recovery and regeneration
dissolution of blockages
Energizing physical, mental and spiritual abilities
Activation of the energy flow in the body
improvement of blood circulation in the skin
Holistic healing is initiated
Connective tissue massage, colon massage and foot reflex zone massage are additional forms of massage that are carried out professionally in our practice.
PNF concept
The PNF concept (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) was developed in the 1940s by Dr. Kabat and the physiotherapist Margaret Knott. The PNF method is based on a treatment philosophy whose starting point is that every human being has latent motor skills that can be stimulated and activated through suitable facilitation.
The facilitation forms the basis of the PNF concept. Facilitation literally means "to make something easier", e.g. to make a movement easier for the patient.
Treatment of the PNF method:
Improving motor control and strengthening muscles
Normalization of muscle tone
Improving mobility
Improving stability, endurance, coordination
PNF can help with:
the time after a stroke
multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Morbus Bechterev
Surgical patients, e.g. with knee joint endoprosthesis or with hip joint endoprosthesis
Natural moor pack
The use of natural mud is one of the oldest remedies. Not only are anti-inflammatory substances released in the body, but also the minerals, trace elements and vitamins contained in the mud are delivered to the skin.
By supplying heat, not only can a reaction be achieved in the skin, but the deep-lying tissue can also be influenced. The increased blood flow stimulates the metabolism. As a result, the affected tissue is supplied with an increased amount of oxygen and nutrients. This results in pain relief as well as the regeneration of muscles, ligaments and joints.
Areas of application:
Myalgia (muscle pain)
Myogelosis (hardened muscles)
muscle shortening
Chronic painful processes
Chronic inflammatory processes
soft tissue rheumatism
Kinesio taping
The basis of the Medical Taping Concept was laid in the seventies in Japan. It was here that the taping methods were developed, based on the idea that movement and muscle activity are important in order to maintain or restore health.
Fields of application:
Reduction of pain and swelling
earlier entry into training during the rehabilitation phase
in the prevention of sports injuries, bandages reduce the risk of injury
Treatable clinical pictures:
Cervical spine syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tennis elbow
Electrotherapy is a part of physiotherapy that uses low-frequency forms of electricity to relieve pain. The main areas of application are all acute and chronic pain conditions in chronic degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system and chronic inflammatory processes.
Electrotherapy can help with:
Muscle weakness
Weakness of the foot lifter
Herniated disc
Tennis elbow
Promotion of blood circulation and metabolism